Token 10X: Africa's First Cryptocurrency Hub
Crypto Snipes Token
The CryptoSnipes ($CRS), is a project which makes it easier for you to buy tokens through pancakeswap. This will makes it more practical than current practice. The manual way to buy a token usually takes a minute through multiple steps and by going back and fort through multiple pages to finally buy the token. With crypto snipes, it takes only 5-10 seconds. CRYPTO SNIPES : %uD83D%uDD39 CRS Sniper Bots %uD83D%uDD39 CRS Wallet %uD83D%uDD39 CRS blockchain
Token information and links
Circulating Supply
Token Contract (BSC Chain)
Contract license: Unknown
Launch Date
KYC Information
Audit Information
Team Information
Team leader: None
Team leader contact: None