Token 10X: Africa's First Cryptocurrency Hub
Faith Tribe Token
Faith Tribe - Democratizing Fashion In The Metaverse
%uD83D%uDCB0 Faith Tribe is already oversubscribed and raised $2m at $0.01. They are offering a small allocation to top crypto VCs at $0.006 based on our recommendation.
%u2705 Faith Tribe brings together the global community of designers, artists, curators, bloggers, influencers, brands, and buyers in an incentive-aligned way, allowing participants to earn tokens through their contributions to the ecosystem.
%u2705 Faith Tribe allows creators to design, customize, mint and distribute their own digital and physical fashion assets in both the metaverse and physical realm.
%u2705 Designer clothes in the Metaverse! All Faith Tribe NFTs will be traded on FTRB marketplace, which will enable the sale of both digital and physical product NFTs. Users will be able to both use their digital assets in the metaverse as well as being able to have them delivered to their doorstep as a physical product. %u2699%uFE0F
Faith Tribe will be used by:
%uD83D%uDD38 Celebrities & Influencers from any industry
%uD83D%uDD38 Designers, Artists, and Curators from around the world
%uD83D%uDD38 Streamers & Content-creators
%uD83D%uDD38 Major Fashion Brands
Our Core Team:
%uD83D%uDD39 Wahid Chammas - Founder&CIO of TyreGate Capital and long time investor - CGO
%uD83D%uDD39 Gordon Mattey - Co-founder and CTO of Define Labs - C%u0422%u041E
%uD83D%uDD39 Maria Buccellati - 30 years in fashion & as brand ambassador for Faith Connexion - CCO
%uD83D%uDD39 Simon Abboud Head of Digital Assets at TyreGate Capital - Head of Digital Assets
%uD83D%uDD39 Tarek Hourie - Marketing & Community Development
Key Advisors:
%uD83D%uDD39 Brock Pierce - Futurist, Philanthropist, Economist, Creator
%uD83D%uDD39 Mario Nawfal - CEO
%uD83D%uDD39 Conner Chevaillier - CEO Data Syndicate
%uD83D%uDE80Token: FTRB
%uD83D%uDC8E Symbol: $FTRB
%uD83D%uDCAF Total Supply - 5B
%uD83D%uDCB6 Initial Mcap : 1.2M USD
%uD83D%uDCB0 Net Fund Raising - M USD
%uD83D%uDC49 Some Backers:
%u2705 TyreGate Capital
%u2705 NFT TECH
%u2705 IBC GROUP
%u2705 The Luxury Fund
%uD83D%uDC49 Faith Tribe Links & Docs:
%u27A1%uFE0F Whitepaper -
%u27A1%uFE0F Website -
%u27A1%uFE0F Twitter -
%u27A1%uFE0F Telegram -
%u27A1%uFE0F Pitch Deck -
Token information and links
Circulating Supply
Token Contract (BSC Chain)