Token 10X: Africa's First Cryptocurrency Hub
MetaMate Token
Hold $MEMATE and find your soulmate or befriend with Elon Musk.
%uD83D%uDD25 Talk to the person who has the same number of MEMATE as you (could be Elon Musk)
%uD83D%uDCB8 EARN BUSD every hour to offer a diner with Elon Musk
%uD83D%uDC8E BIG Airdrop of Jeff Bezos's NFT
Bob was a crackhead, his mother was an alcoholic and his father was bald. He bought $MEMATE, met Elon Musk, but Elon musk married his sister (private secret), they split up and since then BOB has become a billionaire, bought several lambo's, burns tesla's (apparently Elon Musk betrayed him), takes care of several prostitutes every week and lives the life of an artist. If you want to become like Bob, don't hesitate and buy $MEMATE, we are and will be $MEMATE forever
Token information and links
Circulating Supply
Token Contract (BSC Chain)