Token 10X: Africa's First Cryptocurrency Hub
DegenMaxi Token
%uD83D%uDD25DMAX is a deflationary and degen-play token on smartBCH.
%uD83E%uDD11DMAX holders (%uD83D%uDC8E) will receive CST as dividend automatically with every sell transaction.
%uD83D%uDE45There's a transaction tax of 13% for selling. There's no tax for buying.
%uD83C%uDF1F7% of the tax is used to buy CST and distributed to DMAX holders proportionally to their share of the circulating supply; 3% is used for the team, marketing, and referral program (coming soon); 2% for liquidity; and 1% is used to buyback and burn DMAX.
%uD83C%uDFAFYou need to hold a minimum of 50,000 DMAX to be eligible to receive the CST reward.
Token information and links
Circulating Supply
Token Contract (BSC Chain)