Token 10X: Africa's First Cryptocurrency Hub
Floki war Token
Floki war (Wfloki)%uD83C%uDF96%uFE0F
The warrior floki%uD83D%uDC82%uD83C%uDFFB%u200D%u2642%uFE0F%uD83D%uDC36
%uD83D%uDE80Fairlunch date: 19/03/2022
%u2714%uFE0F87% liquidity locked %uD83D%uDD12
%u2714%uFE0F30% of the total supply will be burned at launch %uD83D%uDD25
%u2714%uFE0Fkyc and audit
%uD83D%uDE80Fairlunch sell buy tax: 0%!%uD83D%uDD25(24 hours after the launch they will be changed)
%u27A1 telegram: @flokiwar_official (airdrops and unique competitions in the group%uD83D%uDE80%uD83E%uDDE8)
powerful marketing and sponsor%uD83D%uDCC8
Token information and links
Circulating Supply
Token Contract (BSC Chain)